Oliva ltd
„Oliva“ oil is 100% eco grown, first cold pressed, un refined, and un filtered so it retains all of its natural flavour, intense green colour, smooth and fruity taste produced by the Milicevic family.
Our family lives in a small, 80 meters above see level, hercegovinian village called Prćavci – Čapljina and in 2007, we started planting on 15 hectares 3.000 threes of a special mix of the most flavourful olive trees such as Oblica, Istarska Bjelica, Lastovka, Liccina and Pendalina.
The amazing Mediterranean climate, nutritious soil, long sunny days and the family’s love, produce the most successful 100% organic olives.
Early harvested and hand picked olives are cold pressed within 24 hours of collected bringing the best oil to your table.
We don’t use any kind of pesticides favouring quality over quantity, our goal is to produce an ecological and healing producti.
Through the years our olive oil is extra virgin, whose quality has been confirmed multipletimed in the manifestations of young olive oil in BiH and HR.
One of the biggest achievements Oliva got, amond 183 different oil producers, is title of “Champion Noćnjak 2019” during the 21st international manifestation of young olive oil “Noćnjak”.
Enjoy golden drops of Herzegovina
Tel: 00 387 36 812 054
Mob: 00 387 63 442 836
E-mail: oliva.doo@hotmail.com
Facebook: Maslinovo Ulje “Oliva” – proizvodi obitelji Milićević
Instagram: www.instagram.com/oliva_maslinovoulje/