A.Saygin BABAN
A.Saygin BABAN started working at the Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Türkiye (TOBB) in 2010 as Assistant Expert. During his service between 2010-2015 Saygın Baban has worked as a project coordinator in many national and international projects on vocational education and climate change, has presented his studies on many international platforms, like Eurochambres, Organization of Islamic Cooperation and UN Climate Change Conferences (COP)
Mr. Baban currently works as the Head of Sectoral Councils and Entrepreneurship Department contributing entrepreneurship ecosystem and coordinating sectoral councils studies within TOBB. Moreover, he focuses on private sector initiatives targeting the adaptation of companies on European Green Deal and carbon footprint studies.
Baban has founded MEYBEM Vocational Qualifications and Certification Center as an affiliation of TOBB, which aims to provide vocational qualification and certification services for the people that works in hazardous jobs. As an affiliation of TOBB, MEYBEM has certified more than 120 thousand people. In addition to this, Baban made a significant contribution to the process of accreditation of carbon footprint verification according to the ISO 14064-1 standard.
Baban completed a BS degree in Industrial Engineering and holds Ms in Statistics.