Luca Filippi

Mr. Filippi is Deputy Secretary General at the Chamber of commerce of Bolzano and Senior Advisor for Public procurement, financial services and supporting activities dedicated to women entrepreneurship and coordinator of the EU Projects at the Chamber of commerce of Bolzano.

Since 2008  – Deputy Secretary General at the Chamber of commerce of Bolzano.

His main activities and responsibilities are managerial and organizational functions of the Chamber of commerce, head of the procurement department, accounting, and financial management of the Chamber of Commerce.

Since 2016 – Luca Filippi is involved in the EU Projects of the Chamber of commerce of Bolzano with coordination and organization responsibilities as well as in the Enterprise Europe Network where he is the referent person by the Chamber of commerce.
His previously work experience in a private bank, has enabled him to bring the necessary financial competences in the implementation of the Access to finance services in the framework of the Enterprise Europe Network with a special focus on financial instruments dedicated to women entrepreneurs.
Thanks to the long-term experience at the Chamber of commerce of Bolzano he has the competence to maintain and develop relations either with local or national stakeholder as well as with public institutions.


  • Master’s degree in Economics.
  • Attended a university course on public procurement law in South Tyrol general principles, common provisions, and cross-cutting aspects of public procurement, including concession contracts and public private partnerships, special features of public works, services, and supply contracts, including centralised purchasing.
  • Attended a training course for aspiring managers with successful final examination.
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